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Speed Dial

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  3. Basic Features in Outgoing Calls Menu
  4. Speed Dial

Speed Dial 8 and Speed Dial 100 allow you to program speed dial numbers that you can call with the push of a button.

Configure Speed Dial 8

  1. Log in to
  2. Click Outgoing Calls on the left-hand menu.
  3. On the Outgoing Calls page, click the Speed Dial 8 link in the Basic column.
  4. The Speed Dial 8 page opens.
  5. Enter the speed dial contact’s name and number.
  6. Click OK or Apply to save changes, or Cancel to exit without saving.

Configure Speed Dial 100

  1. Log in to
  2. Click Outgoing Calls on the left-hand menu.
  3. On the Outgoing Calls page, click the Speed Dial 100 link in the Basic column.
  4. The Speed Dial 100 page opens.
  5. Click the Add button. The Speed Dial 100 Add page opens.
  6. Select the speed dial code, then enter a description and the phone number.
  7. Click OK to save changes.

Speed Dial on Your Phone

You can also program your speed dial numbers using your phone and the feature access codes for Speed Dial 8 and Speed Dial 100.

To use speed dial from your phone, dial # followed by the speed dial code number. For example, to call the number associated with speed dial code 6, dial #6 on the keypad.

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