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Provisioning Options for the Receptionist Client

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  4. Provisioning Options for the Receptionist Client

Configure Custom Contact Directories

To create a custom contact directory of users within a group or enterprise, complete the following instructions:

  1. Log in to the UCx Web Portal using an administrator account.
  2. In the Options menu on the left side, click Utilities.
  3. In the Basic menu, click Custom Contact Directories.  Any current Custom Contact Directories are displayed.
  4. To modify an existing directory, click the Edit link on that line. To create a new directory, click Add.
  5. In the Directory Name text box, type the name of the directory.
  6. Enter how you want the search criteria to be sorted under the Enter search criteria below box.
  7. Select the users you want in the custom directory from the list of Available Users, then click Add (alternatively, click Add All).  To remove users from the list, click Remove or Remove All. You can assign up to 1,000 users to one directory.
  8. Click OK.

Configure Queues

To access queues from Receptionist, the user must have the Call Center service assigned. The Call Center service is allocated per user. It provides two levels of service:

  • Call Center – Premium provides the user with the ability to join a Standard or Premium call center.
  • Call Center – Standard provides the user with the ability to join a Standard call center.

To create and manage queues, your group must have the appropriate Call Center service authorized.  If so, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the UCx Web Portal using an administrator account.
  2. In the Options menu on the left side, click Call Center.
  3. In the Basic menu, click Call Centers. Your current call centers are displayed. Repeat the following steps for each call center:
    • Click Edit next to a call center to open the Call Center Profile page for that call center.
    • On the Call Center Profile page, in the Basic menu, click Profile. Ensure that Allow agents to join Call Centers is checked. Click OK.
    • On the Call Center Profile page, in the Basic menu, click Agents. Select the users to be members of this call center from the list of Available Agents, then click Add (alternatively, click Add All).  To remove users from the list, click Remove or Remove All. Click OK.
    • On the Call Center Profile page, in the Advanced menu, click Assign Services. Assign the Client Call Control service (and any other services you want the call center to have, such as the Voice Messaging User service), then click OK.
    • Click the Call Centers link in the upper left corner (underneath the TPx logo) to return to the list of call centers.

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