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Configure Settings in the Receptionist Client

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  3. Getting Started with Receptionist Client
  4. Configure Settings in the Receptionist Client

Use the Settings link at the top right-hand corner of the main page to configure these aspects of the Receptionist application:

General Tab

From this tab, you can configure miscellaneous settings such as:

  • Change your password
  • Select the language of the user interface
  • Screen Pop: Configure the URL that may be launched on incoming calls
  • Select date and time formats
  • Select a theme
  • Save, load, or restore workspace (size and position of browser window and panes)

NOTE: The “Save Workspace” function does not work in Internet Explorer, due to a technical limitation of Internet Explorer.

Application Tab

From this tab, you can configure your availability to take calls as well as the policies used to process calls.

  • Queue Memberships: To join a queue, select the check box on the line for the queue. To join all queues, select the check box in the column header. If you are not allowed to join or leave a queue, that line will be dimmed.
  • Operator Policies: Use the drop-down list to select your availability to receive calls from queues upon signing in to Receptionist.

Services Tab

The services that you can configure here (if your administrator has assigned these services to you) are:

  • Do Not Disturb: When you activate this service, all of your calls are automatically sent to your voice mail.
  • Call Forwarding Always: When you activate this service, all of your calls are forwarded to a specified phone number.

To activate a service:

  1. Select the service and check the is Active box.  The service is moved from the Inactive to Active category.
  2. If you enabled the Call Forwarding Always service, in the Forward To text box that appears, enter the phone number to forward the calls to.
  3. To generate a ring splash for incoming calls, check the RingSplash option.
  4. Click Save.

Plugins Tab

You use the Plugins tab to configure the plugins that enable these functions:

  • Notification: When Focus window for incoming calls is checked, inbound calls will cause the browser window to automatically restore if it has been minimized. (Note: This does not work in Firefox, and only works in Internet Explorer if only one tab is open.) When Show notifications for calls is checked, Receptionist displays call notification pop-up windows on top of other applications’ windows, depending on the condition you select in the drop-down list.
  • Microsoft Outlook: This feature enables you to access, search, and save contacts in Outlook. In these settings, you can enable/disable Outlook integration, specify where to look for your Outlook contacts, and specify to use Outlook to identify a caller when the caller ID is unknown (Use Outlook contacts as preferred CLID lookup).
  • LDAP v3: LDAP settings allow you integrate an LDAP directory with Receptionist.  These options are only visible if LDAP integration is enabled in Receptionist.  If you do not know the appropriate settings, contact your system administrator.
  • Program Shortcuts: This plugin creates or removes a shortcut to Receptionist on your desktop. (Note: If you did not create a shortcut using the Add Shortcut button, the Remove Shortcut button has no effect.)
  • Activity Archive: From here you can enable or disable the archival of call event logs on your computer, and specify the frequency with which the log is rotated. Click the Open log location link to go to the location on your computer where the log is stored.

Messaging Tab

The Messaging tab allows you to configure various messaging options for Receptionist.  Currently, email messaging and instant messaging are supported.

  • Messaging: These options allow you to specify the mail client to use for sending email messages.
  • Instant Messaging & Presence: Check the Open incoming instant messages in minimized windows check box if you want new Chat windows to be displayed in minimized format.

About Tab

This tab displays information about the Receptionist client: software version, client profile, and disclaimer/copyright information.

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