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CommPilot Call Manager

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  4. CommPilot Call Manager

The CommPilot Call Manager is a web-based tool which allows you to initiate, manipulate, and receive calls, as well as access your user directories (including Microsoft Outlook).

Launch the Call Manager

  1. Log in to the UCx Web Portal at
  2. In the Launch… dropdown in the upper right corner, select Call Manager.
  3. The Call Manager opens in a new window.

For detailed instructions on how to use the Call Manager, click the Help button in the Call Manager window.


  • Your browser may block the new Call Manager window as a pop-up. If this happens, disable the browser’s pop-up blocking or configure it to “always show pop-ups from” the TPx site.
  • The Call Manager uses Microsoft ActiveX components to access your directories, so be sure to accept the downloads when prompted so that the CommPilot Call Manager functions correctly.
  • The Call Manager may log out if you lose network connectivity or if your computer hibernates.

Set the Call Manager to Auto-Launch on Login

  1. Log in to the UCx Web Portal at
  2. Click Client Applications on the left-hand menu.
  3. On the Client Applications page, click the CommPilot Call Manager link in the Basic column.
  4. The CommPilot Call Manager page opens.
  5. Check the Launch CommPilot Call Manager on Login box.
  6. Click OK or Apply to save changes, or Cancel to exit without saving.

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