TPx Support Center


Poly Edge E Series

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  3. Meet-Me Conferencing
  4. Moderator

Call Me Now Link

With the Call Me Now service of Meet-Me Conferencing, you can invite participants to join your conference call by sending them a hyperlink by email or IM.
  • 2550

Meet-Me Conferencing Moderator Client

The Meet-Me Conferencing Moderator Client application allows you to see the list of participants who joined the conference. With a click of the mouse, you can manage individual participants or enable/disable features for the entire conference.
  • 3075

Manage Conference Recordings

You can download or delete conference recordings if you have host privileges on a Meet-Me Conferencing bridge.
  • 2242

Add Delegates to a Conference

Delegates can moderate an existing conference for which they are assigned delegate privileges. However, a delegate cannot delegate the conference to another user or delete it. You can assign multiple users as delegates for the same conference.
  • 2066

Delete a Conference

The Delete button only appears if you are the host for the conference.
  • 2247

Create a New Conference

You can create a new conference if you have host privileges on a Meet-Me Conferencing bridge.
  • 3522

Automatic Lecture Mode

Automatic Lecture Mode is automatically enabled when the number of participants (including moderators) in a conference is above 147. Once Automatic Lecture Mode starts:
  • 1967

Functions Available to Moderators

When a conference is created, the system generates a moderator PIN along with the conference ID. Any participant who joins the conference using the moderator PIN has moderator privileges. There can be multiple moderators in a conference.
  • 2071