User Security Made Easy
TPx’s User Security solutions are easy to implement and incorporate into your existing security strategy. Boost your user security by reinforcing good employee best practices with Managed Security Awareness Training and Managed Inbox Detection and Response.
Protect Your Business at The Front Lines
Every one of your employees must be responsible for email security. Just one mistake by one employee, clicking on the wrong link in an email, can result in a data breach – damaging your company’s reputation and costing you thousands of dollars.
Educate Employees on Potential Threats
Reinforce Good
Cybersecurity Habits
Make Employees Part
of Your Strategy
User Security is Easy with TPx
TPx’s User Security services consist of Security Awareness Training and Managed Inbox Detection and Response (IDR). Security Awareness Training teaches employees about cybersecurity, IT best practices, and regulatory compliance, while Managed IDR takes education to a whole new level by enabling employees to easily differentiate between a malicious email and an innocent one. Empower your employees to make good cybersecurity decisions with end user security.
Proactive user security awareness training helps employees learn how to recognize and avoid cyberattacks. TPx’s Security Awareness Training uses a continuous approach to education with regular, interactive training courses. Plus, businesses can put their employees to the test with phishing simulation emails delivered randomly to users.
Help users make better email security decisions with Managed IDR. This powerful user security solution provides professional evaluation and handling of suspicious emails reported by users — right from the inbox. Put your employees in the driver’s seat and make them be part of your business security.
End User Security Made Easy
Phishing simulations can help. But you have to do them correctly for them to be effective. Learn how to easily enable phishing simulations for better user security.
Learn how ACA International, an industry association, is leveraging TPx’s User Security along with other services to enhance members security posture.
How User Security Can Have an Impact on Your Business
End user security is critical for businesses of all sizes because no employee is immune to attacks. According to a recent Terranova report, almost 20% of all employees are likely to click on phishing email links, and a staggering 67% go on to enter their credentials on a phishing website. The best recourse against phishing attacks is user security awareness training and using good email practices.
Managed IDR empowers your users to be a part of the solution and stops phishing threats from within the inbox.
The right Security Awareness Training program can reduce phishing email click rates by 75% according to Infosec Institute.
Threats with Training
Proactive security training helps employees learn how to recognize and avoid cyberattacks, which significantly reduces threats.
Cyberattacks are expensive. Investing in your employees’ education and tools can reduce your risk, saving you from a costly attack.
It Only Takes One Email
It is estimated that between 85-95% of all security threats start with an email. Just in 2020 alone, there has been an increase of 64% in email threats. Even more troubling is that 6 of every 10 companies have experienced a ransomware attack.
Proper Security is More Than Just User Security
With TPx, you can protect users and endpoints from targeted attacks. Bundling multiple security services can help improve your organization’s security posture so every employee and device is protected.
Endpoint Security
Protect your endpoint devices with DNS Protection and Managed Detection and Response.
Endpoint Management
Manage your workstations and servers easier and keep them healthy with Endpoint Management.
Don't Risk Your User Security with a Single Mistake
Every employee must be responsible for security. Just one mistake by one employee could result in a costly security breach.
Boost your user security and contact our security experts today.
User Security FAQs
It is the area of cybersecurity that focuses on equipping users (i.e. your staff) to recognize and handle cyber threats.
Each can be purchased individually or bundled together in the package. We recommend to invest in both to minimize your risk of cyber threats and attacks.
To learn more about Managed Detection and Response, download the datasheet here.
To learn more about Security Awareness Training, download the datasheet here.
To learn more about Managed Detection and Response, download the datasheet here.
To learn more about Security Awareness Training, download the datasheet here.
Your business will be provided an Outlook plug-in for all employees to flag suspicious emails. When an email is flagged, it’s investigated for malicious links and content. The user who reported the email gets a status message within minutes, letting the user know if it is safe or a threat. If the message is verified, then the user can safely interact with it. If the message is a threat, then it is removed from the user’s inbox. If other instances of the same email have been delivered to other mailboxes within the company, they are automatically and globally removed.
Yes, it requires a version of Outlook that is fully supported by Office 365.
When businesses choose TPx for user security awareness training, they gain a continuous training program of cybersecurity courses. Enrolled users get email invitations to participate in the interactive courses. At the end of each course, users complete an assessment to put their knowledge to the test. Outside of courses, users get automated, random delivery of phishing simulation emails with automated tracking of phishing events (clicks, credential entry, etc.). The TPx team provides weekly reports to track progress toward reaching your security goals.